Abraham Hurtado
Abraham Hurtado (Murcia, Espanha). Vive e trabalha em Berlim desde 2005. É performer e artista plástico, tendo colaborado com inúmeros artistas visuais da dança e do teatro em Espanha e internacionalmente. Com outros artistas residentes em Berlim, gere a plataforma artística AADK, com cujos artistas membros apresentou trabalhos em mais de vinte e cinco países na Europa, no México, nos EUA, na Turquia entre outros. A arte que produzem é particular a cada membro adoptando porém configurações e estratégias comuns nas suas apresentações. Desde 2012 que Abraham Hurtado dirige o Centro Negra, um espaço para a investigação e criação contemporâneas em Blanca, Murcia (Espanha). O seu trabalho foi apresentado em diversas galerias na Europa, América do Sul e em Centros de Arte Contemporânea tais como La Conservera (Murcia), Moderna Museet (Estocolmo) e o CCCB (Barcelona).
Abraham Hurtado (Murcia, Spain). Lives and works in Berlin since 2005. Is a performer and plastic artist, having collaborated with numerous visual artists and dance and theatre companies within Spain and internationally. Together with other artists resident in Berlin he runs the AADK art platform and network, with whose artists he has regularly presented his work in over twenty-five countries in Europe, Mexico, the USA and Turkey, among others.
The art they produce is specific to each member but the configuration and strategies they adopt for their presentations are developed in common with the invited artists. Since 2012, Abraham Hurtado is the artistic director of Centro Negra, a space for investigation and contemporary creation in Blanca, Murcia (Spain). His work has been presented in several Art Galleries in Europe, South America and Contemporary Art Centers such as La Conservera (Murcia), Moderna Museet (Stockohlm) and CCCB (Barcelona).
The art they produce is specific to each member but the configuration and strategies they adopt for their presentations are developed in common with the invited artists. Since 2012, Abraham Hurtado is the artistic director of Centro Negra, a space for investigation and contemporary creation in Blanca, Murcia (Spain). His work has been presented in several Art Galleries in Europe, South America and Contemporary Art Centers such as La Conservera (Murcia), Moderna Museet (Stockohlm) and CCCB (Barcelona).