How we built a smoke machine
João Catarino + Maurícia|Neves, Catherina Cardoso, Edgar Valente, Francisco Leston
Inauguração • Opening
17 Mar 17h • 5pm | | Casa da Imprensa
Step 1
What you will need?
Step 2
Where to get your ingredients from?
Step 3
For high density smoke…
Make a solution of 30% glycerol. The remaining 70% is made up with the distilled water.
For medium density smoke…
Make a solution of 20% glycerol. The remaining 80% is made up with the distilled water.
For low density smoke…
Make a solution of 15% glycerol. The remaining 85% is made up with the distilled water.
I’m hoping I don’t need to talk about the measuring jug and container.
Acerca de WE WILL USE SMOKE MACHINES e How we built a smoke machine
Ainda estamos à procura da fórmula apesar desta estar escrita. Não sabemos exactamente se queremos chegar a respostas mas para já temos perguntas. WE WILL USE SMOKE MACHINES é uma peça em constante processo com uma estrutura mas que oscila perante as vontades dos co-criadores da peça. A exposição How we built a smoke machine surge na vontade de partilhar esse processo infinito deste projecto com imagens e vídeos que foram captados em Lisboa e Portimão durante as residências que se realizaram nos meses de Janeiro e Fevereiro.
Step 1
What you will need?
Step 2
Where to get your ingredients from?
Step 3
For high density smoke…
Make a solution of 30% glycerol. The remaining 70% is made up with the distilled water.
For medium density smoke…
Make a solution of 20% glycerol. The remaining 80% is made up with the distilled water.
For low density smoke…
Make a solution of 15% glycerol. The remaining 85% is made up with the distilled water.
I’m hoping I don’t need to talk about the measuring jug and container.
About WE WILL USE SMOKE MACHINES and How we built a smoke machine
We are still looking for the formula despite being written. We do not know exactly if we want to get the answers but we have questions. WE WILL USE SMOKE MACHINES is a performance whose structure is in constant process, oscillating according to the will of co-creators. The exhibition How we built a smoke machine comes with the desire to share this infinite process with pictures and videos that were taken in Lisbon and Portimão during the residences which were held in January and February.